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Types of Reiki Services

There are many ways to experience Reiki's power. It's not for any one particular group, gender, race, religion, etc. It can truly benefit every human at every stage of development. Here are a few ways we can provide this gift of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual  self-care.  

Distance Reiki

We do not need to be separated by distance. If you are across town, in another state, or another part of the world, you can also experience the amazing benefits of Reiki from the comfort of your own home. Distance Reiki is just as effective as experiencing one in person – the Reiki energy “works” regardless of where you are located since it transcends time and physical space. Having a session in the comfort of your own home can often times be more relaxing than coming into an office.​ 


  •  No drive time.

  • Improves sleep.

  • Increases mental clarity and concentration. 

  • Establishes balance and harmony in the body. 

  • Boosts the immune system and rids body of toxins.

  • Reduces/releases pain in the body.

  • Increase energy and vitality.

  • Boosts the bodies ability to self-heal.

  • Enhances one's spiritual and emotional growth. â€‹


Pregnancy Reiki

Reiki during pregnancy is completely safe for baby and mommy. Having Reiki during pregnancy is a unique way to find a connection to your child. The work of centering, connecting to, and tuning into one’s energy is a natural holistic process that allows for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Benefits of Reiki during pregnancy:  â€‹


  • Reduce stress and anxiety, and increase feelings of calm and peace for mommy-to-be.

  • A peaceful, calm mommy benefits the physical and emotional development of her baby.

  • Unlock fears or blocked chakras.

  • Reduce feelings of fatigue and nausea.

  • Help with insomnia.

  • Body aches.



Mommy & Baby Reiki

Having a new baby can be just as stressful as it can be joyous. Babies are receptive to energy and really take to this healing modality. Reiki can assist babies in:

  • Sleeping longer, more restfully.

  • Soothe a baby with colic.

  • Ease teething pain.

  • Hasten recovery from a cold, illness, or injury. 

  • Assist in reversing failure to thrive and weight gain problems as once-fussy babies shake off stress, sleep better, and become calmer, happier babies.


New Mommies - Being a new parent can be especially stressful. Lack of sleep and constant focus can add stress to the happy time as new parents navigate the waters of caring for their tiny shining stars. Reiki for new parents can be quite a needed treat for them. A Reiki session makes a great gift for stressed newbies or seasoned new parents after the stork arrives.


Palliative & Hospice Reiki

Reiki can be a complementary therapy used as a palliative or supportive therapy for people with cancer or other chronic illness.  It allows healing for all involved in the end-of-life experience as well as assisting those with dealing with their illnesses. It's a beautiful gift of peace, love and support for individuals going through these experiences. 

The Gift of Reiki

Reiki can be given as a gift to others who are receptive to this type of energetic healing modality. Contact us to schedule a session for a pregnant mommy, newborn, or for palliative care. 

* please get permission from those involved beforehand. It's a very personal experience and we just want to make sure they are open to experiencing it. 
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